You are here: Export Data > Department Sales

Department Sales

Department Sales can be exported for use in financial programs that allow for data to be imported directly in the format provided.

Idealpos will export Department Sales in comma delimited text format (.csv or .txt).



Include Header

Check this box to include the Header in the output file.

Some programs will require a Header to be used so that they can map which field the data will be processed into.

It is a good idea to include the header if you are unsure, as you can always remove it from the file at a later stage.


Output File Format

Select which file format you want to use.

Standard – Will output the file in a standard text file which can be opened with many programs.



MYOB Premier 8.0 (Aust) – Will output the file that can be opened with MYOB Premier 8.0 Australia.



MYOB Premier 8.0 (NZ) – Will output the file that can be opened with MYOB Premier 8.0 New Zealand.



Xero – Will output the file that can be opened with XERO.



Date Range

Select the date from predefined selections or choose a custom date.



If using MYOB, enter the Company/Last Name that matches with the MYOB file you want to use.